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希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2015年12月27日了解到:Russia and India signed a clutch of defence and energy deals on Thursday as prime minister Narendra Modi visited Moscow to reaffirm one of the world’s most valuable military relationships. 俄罗斯和印度周四签订了一系列防务和能源协议,印度总理伦德拉?莫迪(Narendra Modi)正访问莫斯科,再次确认全球最具价值的军事关系之一。

Following a meeting with Russian president Vladimir Putin, the two leaders announced deals to build Russian-designed Kamov helicopters in India and for the location of a new nuclear power plant to be built by Russian state nuclear company Rosatom. 在与俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔?普京(Vladimir Putin)进行会晤后,两位领导人宣布达成协议,将在印度制造由俄罗斯设计的卡莫夫(Kamov)直升机,并为由俄罗斯国家原子能公司(Rosatom)建造的新核电厂选址。

India, the world’s largest importer of defence equipment, is set to spend $250bn over the next decade modernising its antiquated hardware. But Mr Modi has made it a key policy to push for these new weapons systems and other equipment to be made mostly in India rather than abroad. 身为全球最大军工装备进口国的印度,未来10年将支出2500亿美元使其过时的装备现代化。但莫迪推动的一项关键政策是主要在印度制造这些新的武器系统和其他装备,而不是海外。

Mr Modi hailed the deal for the production of helicopters as the first major defence project under his “Make in India” programme. Under the deal with Rosatom, some equipment for nuclear power plants would also be built in India. 莫迪称赞生产直升机的协议是他提出“在印度制造”计划后的首个大型军工项目。根据与俄罗斯国家原子能公司的协议,核电厂的部分设备也将在印度制造。

Russia and India have long been one another’s top defence partners, a relationship dating back to Soviet times. But in recent years, India has sought to broaden its diplomatic relations and has also been ordering military hardware from a more eclectic array of supplier, including the US. 长期以来,俄罗斯和印度一直是对方最大防务合作伙伴,这种关系可以追溯到苏联时期。但近几年印度寻求拓宽外交关系,并向更为广泛的供应方(包括美国)订购军事装备。

But Mr Modi has also indicated that he still sees Russia as one of India’s most reliable friends, and has made clear that he wishes to revive and deepen the frayed strategic ties, especially in areas such as nuclear power and defence. 但莫迪表示,他仍将俄罗斯视为印度最可信赖的朋友之一,他明确表示,他希望重振并深化两国间有些裂痕的战略关系,特别是在核电和军工等领域。

