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希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)2016年1月8日了解到:Sherlock‘s Christmas special is a unique episode in a lot of ways, namely with its unexplained transplant into the Victorian era and its theatrical release in multiple countries. Nonetheless, fans have shown their usual enthusiasm so far. The Abominable Bride led the box office on its opening day in China Monday, bringing in 5.39 million dollars, according to Deadline.
  夏洛克圣诞特辑在很多方面都是一部独 一无二的电影:未经说明就转入了维多利亚时代,而且破天荒的在多个国家同时上映。然而到目前为止卷福迷们也都表现出了和以往一样的热情。《神探夏洛克:可 恶的新娘》周一时在中国首映时,票房就遥遥领先,两天时间就创下了539万美元的票房收入。
  Sherlock Holmes wasn’t the only crime-solver at the box office when it debuted. The film was up against another mystery, Detective Chinatown, a Chinese comedy about a duo trying to crack a murder case, which garnered a respectable 5.01 million dollars on Monday. The Abominable Bride‘s opening coincided with the sixth day Detective Chinatown‘s theatrical run.
  《神探夏洛克》上映时并不是唯一的一部侦探剧。这部电影 和另一部推理剧《唐人街探案》赶在了一起,《唐人街探案》是一部中国喜剧,讲述了一个二人组努力破解一宗谋杀案,在周一也获得了数量可观的501万美元的 票房。《神探夏洛克》的首映日正好是《唐人街探案》上映的第六天。
  Of course, The Abominable Bride has the benefit of being part of a wildly popular TV series. Sherlock has aired three seasons so far, with a fourth still to come. The Victorian special comes almost two years after the show’s season-three finale, but is welcome to fans, who are expected to have to wait until 2017 for season four.
  Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays unconventional detective Sherlock Holmes, previously discussed the global appeal of the series with the BBC. “I think [the show’s success is] to do with Conan Doyle’s extraordinary invention, which has a universal appeal to all nationalities,” he said. “This is a man who’s an outsider, who’s intelligent, who doesn’t tolerate mediocrity, who is incredibly efficient, but also has his weaknesses and comeuppances.”
  饰 演了非传统的侦探夏洛克福尔摩斯的本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇,在前些时候向BBC述说了夏洛克系列的全球吸引力。他说:“我认为夏洛克系列的成功主要是因为柯 南.道尔那部伟大的著作,它对各个不同国家人们都具有吸引力。夏洛克超脱于世事之外,他智力超群,不能忍受平庸,拥有超高效率,但是这也是他的弱点和会带 来不好的方面。”
  Fans in the U.S. and U.K. had a chance to view the special episode on television prior to the theatrical release, but it remains to be seen how the film will fare at the country’s respective box offices. In the U.K., interest in Friday’s BBC ONE broadcast, however, was apparent, with a 8.4 million viewers tuning in, according to The Guardian. U.S. ratings have not been released, at the time of publishing.
  在美国和英国的粉丝们有机会在上映前,先在电视上一睹这部剧的精彩,但是这部剧在各国的票房表现还是要拭目以待。据英国《卫报》报道,于周五在BBC ONE上映的《神探夏洛克》,很明显有840万观众收看。本文发表时,美国的收视率暂未公布。

