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化学品、危险品安全手册Safety Manual of Chemicals and Hazardous Articles  

原创文章:青岛希尼尔翻译公司 http://www.sinosenior.com.cn




Safety Manual of Chemicals and Hazardous Articles



Safety Management of Chemicals and Hazardous Articles



General rules

1      化学品、危险品的范围  化学品指清洗剂、消毒剂、杀虫剂、试剂、试药等;危险品是指爆炸品、压缩气体、液化气体、易燃液体、易燃固体、自燃物品、遇湿易燃品、氧化剂、毒害品和腐蚀品。

The scope of chemicals and hazardous articles: the chemicals refer to cleaning agent, disinfecting agent, pesticide, agent and reagent, etc.; the hazardous articles refer to explosive, compressed air, liquefied gas, inflammable liquid, inflammable solid, spontaneously combustible, chemical which in contact with water or damp emit flammable gas, oxidizer, toxic article and corrosive.

1.1   闪点在45摄氏度及45摄氏度以下易燃液体(如:乙醚、汽油、苯、乙醇、丁醇等)。

The inflammable liquids with the flash point below 45℃inclusive (such as aether, gasoline, benzene, ethanol and butanol, etc.).

1.2   易燃、容易自燃及遇水燃烧的固体(如:赤磷、黄磷、钾、钠、电石等)。

The inflammable solids, flammable solids liable to spontaneous combustion and the solids dangerous when wet (such as red phosphorus, yellow phosphorus, potassium, sodium and calcium carbide, etc.).

1.3   易燃及助燃气体(如:氢气、乙炔气、液化气、氧气)。

The inflammable and combustion-supporting gases (such as hydrogen, acetylene gas, liquid gas and oxygen).

1.4   易燃药品以及能成为爆炸混合物或引起燃烧的氧气剂(如:氯酸钾、氯酸钠、硝酸钾、过氧化钠、硝酸等)。

The inflammable chemicals and the oxidizers can become explosive mixture or result in combustion (such as potassium chlorate, sodium chlorate, potassium nitrate, sodium peroxide and nitric acid, etc.).

1.5   腐蚀性药品(如强酸、强碱、溴、甲醛、氢氧化钠等)。

Corrosive chemicals (such as strong acid, alkali, bromine, formaldehyde and sodium hydroxide, etc.).

1.6   剧毒药品(如:氰化物、砷化物、生物碱等)。

Highly toxic chemicals (such as cyanide, arsenide and alkaloid, etc.).

1.7   化学品及易燃品(如:油漆、机油、润滑油、杀虫剂、消毒液、洗洁精、农药等)。

Chemicals and inflammable substances (such as paints, engine oil, lubricating oil, pesticide, disinfecting solution, detergent and agricultural chemicals, etc.).

2      化学品、危险品的采购

Purchase of chemicals and hazardous articles

2.1   采购部在采购化学、危险品时,应对供货厂家进行考察,应从就近而可靠的经营单位采购。经营单位应有经营化学品、危险品许可证,否则不得采购。

The purchase department shall examine the suppliers and purchase from the nearby and reliable units in operation while purchasing the chemicals and hazardous. The units in operation shall be with the business certificates of chemicals and hazardous articles.

2.2   要求供方提供化学品、危险品性能说明书、安全数据表(MSDS),明确操作注意事项和可能出现的紧急状态对策,将其传达到相关部门和人员。

The suppliers are required to supply the performance specification and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) of chemicals and hazardous, confirm the notes for operation and the countermeasures for possible emergency states and transmit to related departments and staff.

3      运输


3.2   应用专用交通工具运输。

The appointed vehicles shall be used. 

3.3   运输时,不得与其它货物同时装运。

Such articles can not be loaded with other goods simultaneously during the transportation.

3.4   装卸、运输中要轻拿轻放,严禁流动、摩擦、拖拉;装卸工具禁止使用铁制工具及穿带铁钉的鞋。

Handle gently during the loading and transportation and flow, friction and traction are prohibited; do not use iron tools and do not wear shoes with iron nails.

3.5   夏天应在早晚进出库和运输。

The inbound/outbound and transportation shall be implemented at morning and evening in summers.

4      验收入库

Warehouse entry inspection

4.1   货物到公司后由危险品仓库保管员验收,应先检查货物外观,包装是否完好,封口是否严密,标签是否完整、清楚。过数后方可办理入库。对不符合要求的,应予以拒收,并进行妥善处理。

The goods are inspected by the storekeepers of dangerous goods warehouse, inspect the appearances of the goods first, and then check whether the packages are complete, the glands are tight and the symbols are complete and clear. The warehouse entry can be transacted after the counting. The disqualified ones shall be rejected and handled properly.

4.2   合格品按其性质分类分批放置在指定货位存放处。

The qualified ones are deposited in appointed goods allocation locations by characteristics classification and batches.

5      化学品、危险品的存放

Storage of chemicals and hazardous articles

5.1   危险品统一放危险品仓库保管,设专职保管员。

The hazardous articles are kept in dangerous goods warehouse uniformly with full-time storekeepers.

5.2   仓库保管员应经安全消防及危险品专业知识培训,熟悉危险品的理化性质,掌握变化规律(沸点、自燃点、爆炸界线、灭火方法等)及保证安全的措施。

The warehouse storekeepers shall accept the professional trainings of fire safety and hazardous articles, be familiar with physicochemical properties of hazardous articles and grasp the changing rules (boiling point, self-ignition point, and explosion limit and extinguishment method, etc.) and countermeasures to guarantee the safety.

5.3   酸、碱等腐蚀性危险品,在存放区应有沙箱,以免遗漏地面上。酸、碱搬运操作要穿戴耐酸、碱手套、鞋、围裙及防护眼镜。

There shall be sand bins in the storage areas of the corrosive hazardous articles as acid and alkali, etc. to avoid the leakages on the floor. Wear acid and alkali resistant gloves, shoes, aprons and safety goggles in the transportation of acid and alkali.

5.4   容器密闭是易燃化学品储存、保障安全的重要措施,要保证不漏、不滴、不冒、不跑。

The container sealing is an important measure in the storage and safety guarantee of the inflammable chemicals, and the container shall be guaranteed with no leakages, no drops, no smokes and no escaping.

5.5   易燃化学品应储存于阴凉、通风场所,专仓专储,不得与其他化学危险品混放,并且由专人保管。

The inflammable chemicals shall be stored in shady and ventilated areas and in special warehouse, such chemicals can not be mixed with other chemical hazardous articles and must be kept by person specially appointed.

5.6   化学品储存地应杜绝一切火源、热源,严禁吸烟,电气动力、照明采用整体防爆型装置。

The storage areas of chemicals shall be without any fire sources and heat sources, smoking is strictly prohibited, and the integrated explosion-proof devices shall be adopted in the electric power and lighting.

6      化学品、危险品的领用与使用

Requisition and usage of chemicals and hazardous articles

6.1   危险化学品由仓库保管员专人负责管理。

The hazardous chemicals shall be managed by specially appointed warehouse storekeepers.

6.2   领用时领料单上必须填好用途,部门经理签字,领用过程须轻拿轻放,严禁倒置运输,防止泄漏。

The material requisition must be filled with usages and signed by department managers during the requisition, handle gentle and do not transport with upside down during the requisition process so as to avoid the leakages.

6.3   75%消毒酒精必须由品保部专人进行配制和发放,没有品保部的同意,任何人不准随便领用。每次领用必须做好记录。品保部按照标准配制好的消毒酒精,放置于化验室,车间随用随领,品保部作好领用记录。

75% rubbing alcohol must be confected and issued by person specially appointed by quality assurance department and nobody is allowed to issue randomly without the permission of the quality assurance department. Records must be made on every requisition. The quality assurance department shall confect the rubbing alcohol according to standards and deposit in chemical laboratory, the workshops shall get the alcohol on demands and the quality assurance department shall make the requisition records.

6.4   车间领用的清洗剂、消毒剂等化学品、危险品必须由卫生监督员专人专柜管理。

The chemicals and hazardous articles as detergent and disinfecting agent, etc. received by the workshops must be managed by specially appointed health supervisor in special cabinet.


Ø    由卫生员保管,在现场使用中容器外要有标识。

Ø    Such articles shall be stored by health supervisors and there shall be marks on the containers for field use. 

Ø    使用后放在柜内由卫生员上锁保管。

Ø    The articles are locked in cabinet and kept by the health supervisors after usage.

7      化学、危险品的废弃处理

Disposal of chemical and hazardous articles

7.1   对于清理油污产生的油棉纱,各部门定期送锅炉房燃烧处理。

The oil cotton yarn generated in cleaning the grease contamination shall be delivered to the boiler room by the departments periodically for burning.

7.2   废药品瓶必须单独放置在垃圾箱内。

The waste chemical bottles must be placed in the trash cans separately.

8      紧急情况的预防

Prevention on emergency

8.1   危险品放置处必须配备灭火器或防火沙等,并放置在明显位置。

The deposition places of hazardous articles must be equipped with fire extinguishers or sand buckets, etc. in prominent positions.

8.2   所有危险品的发放必须有仓库主管签字并建立发放明细帐记录。

The warehouse manager must sign and establish issuance detail account records on the issuance of all hazardous articles.

9      紧急事故的处理

Handling of emergency

9.1   在火灾发生时,现场人员应立即采取有效的灭火方式,隔离易燃物品,并立即报告部门负责人或安全保卫科,现场负责人负责指挥灭火和人员疏散工作,必要时应迅速拨打119通知消防单位采取灭火措施。

During the happening of fire hazards, the field staff shall adopt effective extinguishment methods immediately, isolate the inflammable articles and report to the department leaders or safety and security section immediately, the field principal shall be responsible for the guidance of extinguishment and the staff evacuation, and dial 119 to notice the fire fighting units to adopt extinguishment measures rapidly when necessary.

9.2   仓库及各部门在油品、化学品的管理过程中,如发生泄漏、现场人员要及时处理,尽量收集起来,从而减少对环境的污染。

During the management process on oil products and chemical products of the warehouse and various departments, the field staff shall handle in time and try to collect as much as possible for any leakages so as to reduce the pollutions to the environment.

9.3   紧急情况处理完毕后,责任部门要将发生的经过及所采取的措施填入《纠正预防措施通知单》中,明确防治措施以及再发生时的抢救措施。

After the handling of the emergency, the responsible department shall fill the process and adopted measures into Notice on Correction of Protective Measures, clear out the protective measures and the emergency measures during the recurrence.


The safety and security department shall be responsible for the storage after the approval of the vice president in charge of safety.

10    安全防护与培训

Safety protection and training

Ø    接触化学品时应戴合适的手套、防护眼镜、防毒面罩等个人防护用品。

Ø    Wear applicable personal protective equipment as gloves, safety goggles and masks, etc. while contacting chemicals.

Ø    处理化学品前要阅读说明书,要了解其特性、危险性、预防及应急措施。

Ø    Read the Instruction Book to understand the characteristics, risks, protective and emergency measures before handling the chemicals.

Ø    储存、运输、使用化学品的员工应受过专门的培训才可上岗。

Ø    The employees on storing, transporting and using chemicals can be on duty only through professional trainings.

Ø    储存、运输、使用化学品的员工应明确知道相应灭火器的位置。

The employees on storing, transporting and using chemicals shall know the positions of fire extinguishers clearly.



