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青岛希尼尔翻译公司(www.sinosenior.com.cn)整理发布 2015-10-29
First comes the gratification, then the remorse. But does the
cycle familiar to Yum Brandscustomers also apply to its investors?
The owner of KFC has decided to split off its troubled China
business, leaving two separatelytraded companies. The logical and
potentially rewarding move comes with the chance of aless savory
Yum will split off its China unit entirely, according to a person
familiar with the situation, listingit wherever it garners the most
interest from investors. While that is what the activist investorKeith
Meister wanted even before he was added to Yum’s board last week, it’s
also a no-brainer. Yum’s own-and-operate model in China jars with its
almost entirely franchise-basedbusiness elsewhere.
After the split, the two parts will have very different flavors.
Suppose the China division canincrease its number of stores by half, to
10,000, and create $1.4 million a year in revenue fromeach one, as it
did before food scares in China last year hurt its sales. A Reuters
Breakingviewsanalysis suggests that the unit could be worth $27 billion
on a debt-free basis, three-quartersof the whole Yum enterprise value.
The more mature Western-world business, meanwhile, could be
slathered in debt. Yum, theowner of the KFC and Pizza Hut brands, might
be able to extract a 3 percent license fee fromits expanded China
affiliate, giving it $420 million a year in mostly stable income. Add
that tolast year’s non-Chinese earnings before interest, taxes,
depreciation and amortization, orEbitda, of $1.1 billion, assume there’s
room for borrowing worth three times Ebitda, and thereis scope for a
one-time debt-funded payout to investors of more than $4 billion.
Despite this, the $32 billion Yum stock rose just 4 percent after
the split was announced onTuesday. That may be because any separation
could be at least a year away. It may also reflectthe China risk that
will remain with the Western business. The American unit will still
depend onfees from China — increasingly so if growth plans there pan
out. Yet it will not be able tocontrol them. Yum’s spinoff is sensible,
but not a magic recipe.