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From:青岛希尼尔翻译公司 http://www.sinosenior.com.cn

ear,nose,and throat devices
  a亚部――总则(general provisions)
  874.1  范围  scope
  874.3  有关上市前批准生效日期的要求  effective dates of requirement for premarket approval
  874.9  联邦食品、药品和化妆品法(federal food, drug, and cosmetic act,fdca)第510(k)节的豁免限制  limitations of exemptions from section 510(k) of the federal food, drug, and cosmetic act (the act)
  b亚部――诊断器械(diagnostic devices)
  874.1050  听度计  audiometer
  874.1060  听力测试用听音室  acoustic chamber for audiometric testing
  874.1070  短增量灵敏度指数(sisi)适配器  short increment sensitivity index (sisi) adapter
  874.1080  听度计校准装置  audiometer calibration set
  874.1090  听觉阻抗检测器  auditory impedance tester
  874.1100  听力测试用耳机垫  earphone cushion for audiometric testing
  874.1120  听力测试用电子噪声发生器  electronic noise generator for audiometric testing
  874.1325  舌动电流描记器  electroglottograph
  874.1500  味觉计  gustometer
  874.1800  空气或水热量刺激器  air or water caloric stimulator
  874.1820  外科神经刺激器/定位器  surgical nerve stimulator/locator
  874.1925  托因比诊断管  toynbee diagnostic tube
  c亚部 [保留](reserved)
  d亚部――修复器械(prosthetic devices)
  874.3300  助听器  hearing aid
  874.3310  助听器校准器与分析系统  hearing aid calibrator and analysis system
  874.3320  集体助听器或集体听觉训练器  group hearing aid or group auditory trainer
  874.3330  主助听器  master hearing aid
  874.3375  电池驱动的人工喉  battery-powered artificial larynx
  874.3400  耳鸣遮蔽器  tinnitus masker
  874.3430  中耳铸模  middle ear mold
  874.3450  局部听小骨置换假体  partial ossicular replacement prosthesis
  874.3495  完整听小骨置换假体  total ossicular replacement prosthesis
  874.3540  听小骨置换手术用假体修复器具  prosthesis modification instrument for ossicular replacement surgery
  874.3620  耳鼻喉合成聚合物材料  ear, nose, and throat synthetic polymer material
  874.3695  颚植入面部假体  mandibular implant facial prosthesis
  874.3730  喉假体(taub设计)  laryngeal prosthesis (taub design)
  874.3760  球囊切开钉(科迪钉)  sacculotomy tack (cody tack)
  874.3820  内淋巴分流器  endolymphatic shunt
  874.3850  带阀门的内淋巴分流管  endolymphatic shunt tube with valve
  874.3880  鼓膜穿刺管  tympanostomy tube
  874.3900  鼻扩张器  nasal dilator
  874.3930  带半渗透膜的鼓膜穿刺管  tympanostomy tube with semipermeable membrane
  874.3950  经皮空气传导助听器系统  transcutaneous air conduction hearing aid system
  e亚部――手术器械(surgical devices)
  874.4100  鼻出血球囊  epistaxis balloon
  874.4140  耳鼻喉圆头锉  ear, nose, and throat bur
  874.4175  鼻咽导管  nasopharyngeal catheter
  874.4250  耳鼻喉电动或气动手术钻  ear, nose, and throat electric or pneumatic surgical drill
  874.4350  耳鼻喉光纤光源与传输体  ear, nose, and throat fiberoptic light source and carrier
  874.4420  耳鼻喉手动手术设备  ear, nose, and throat manual surgical instrument
  874.4490  耳鼻喉科用氩激光器  argon laser for otology, rhinology, and laryngology
  874.4500   耳鼻喉显微手术二氧化碳激光器  ear, nose, and throat microsurgical carbon dioxide laser
  874.4680  气管镜(柔性或刚性)及附件  bronchoscope (flexible or rigid) and accessories
  874.4710  食管镜(柔性或刚性)及附件  esophagoscope (flexible or rigid) and accessories
  874.4720  纵隔镜及附件  mediastinoscope and accessories
  874.4750  喉动态镜  laryngostroboscope
  874.4760  喉动态镜(柔性或刚性)及附件  nasopharyngoscope (flexible or rigid) and accessories
  874.4770  耳镜  otoscope
  874.4780  鼻内夹板  intranasal splint
  874.4800  骨粒收集器  bone particle collector
  f亚部 ――治疗器械(therapeutic devices)
  874.5220  耳鼻喉给药装置  ear, nose, and throat drug administration device
  874.5300  耳鼻喉检查与治疗装置  ear, nose, and throat examination and treatment unit
  874.5350  抽吸式抗窒息装置  suction antichoke device
  874.5370  抗窒息夹具  tongs antichoke device
  874.5550  电动鼻清洗器  powered nasal irrigator
  874.5800  鼻外夹板  external nasal splint
  874.5840  治疗口吃装置  antistammering device医学知识网

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